
Polymer way of changing css using js

I am from angular, react background getting started with polymer.

I have a polymer class lets say myClass having this template.

<div  id="[[x]]">

Here x is property defined in property getter.

  static get properties() {
    return {      
      x: {
        type: Number,
        value: 200

Here if I set value of x dynamically using chrome dev tools console, like myClass.x = '5' it works fine and output will be.

<div  id="5">

same goes true for other html attributes like

   <div  width="[[x]]">
   <div  height="[[x]]">

but now consider a case scenario that I want to give margin property dynamically to my div in the same way that I am doing with id, width, height how can I do it in Polymer?

In angular we can do this.

<div [style.marginTop.px]="marginTop">

Let me know your thought in polmer way od doing things.


  • I got it, can be achieved by doing something like this.

    <div style$="margin:{{ x }}px;">