
Why does couchbase-sync-gateway return "Failure adding Rev to RevTree"?

I tried the procedure I read on Couchbase to resolve conflicts Resolving Conflicts, sync-gateway 1.5.

From couchbase-sync-gateway I get a result from _bulk_docs, this error but I can't find any feedback:

2019-09-13T12:10:36.932Z HTTP:  #754: GET /bucket_01/id.00001?open_revs=all  (as admin)
2019-09-13T12:10:37.079Z HTTP:  #755: POST /bucket_01/_bulk_docs
2019-09-13T12:10:37.079Z HTTP: #755:     --> 401 Login required  (0.4 ms)
2019-09-13T12:10:37.203Z HTTP:  #756: POST /bucket_01/_bulk_docs  (as admin)
2019-09-13T12:10:37.210Z    BulkDocs: Doc "id.00001" --> 500 Internal error: Failure adding Rev to RevTree (Failure adding Rev to RevTree)

The error is "Failure adding Rev to RevTree", I understand what happened but I can't fix it.

UPDATE: 15.09.2019

The response of bulk_docs with CRUD key log:

2019-09-15T21:14:28.232Z HTTP:  #006: POST /cfond_09/_bulk_docs  (as admin)
2019-09-15T21:14:28.280Z CRUD: Stored doc "id.00001" / "6-baf5790d2d436f2e7af2715d59c1c3ce"
2019-09-15T21:14:28.284Z CRUD: Stored doc "id.00001" / "9-1c76fa9e825ca5eff39db0752a06eac2"
2019-09-15T21:14:28.286Z CRUD: Failed to add revision ID: 4-3ceed538cc59369128c25e3858183677, error: doc: id.00001, RevTree addRevision, already contains rev "4-3ceed538cc59369128c25e3858183677"
2019-09-15T21:14:28.286Z    BulkDocs: Doc "id.00001" --> 500 Internal error: Failure adding Rev to RevTree (Failure adding Rev to RevTree)
2019-09-15T21:14:28.290Z CRUD: Stored doc "id.00001" / "5-ea9b3e32746fcb844d2004bc38061d40"

Only one revision didn't go well, I think I have three revisions into the Bodymap of the same document and one of this its body is like:

8: "{\"_deleted\":true}",

Status of the document:

    "history": {
      "revs": [
      "parents": [
      "deleted": [
      "bodymap": {
        "6": "{ ... all body ... }",
        "8": "{\"_deleted\":true}",
        "9": "{ ... all body ... }"
      }, [...]

the offending revision is present in the RevTree. I don't understand where the problem is.

UPDATE 16.09.2019

I think I understand what happens in Couchbase & Sync-Gateway: a document has forked in two documents, one 3-XYZ, and 4-QWE. The two documents are equal but differ from the revision id. When I call the bulk_docs 4-QWE become 5-IOP, and 3-XYZ become 4-QWE. But the 4-QWE is already presenting in RevTree, error 500. It's what I think, anybody agrees?

UPDATE 20.09.2019

The error has disappeared. I added a new field in the document what I save in the bulk docs. The bulk_docs works properly but the conflict also remains the Bodymap. Do you know any solutions?


  • There are 3 possible scenarios you could get this error:

    1. RevTree addRevision, empty revid is illegal
    2. RevTree addRevision, already contains rev "..."
    3. RevTree addRevision, parent id "..." is missing

    The particular error you're hitting should be logged, if you enable the CRUD log key:

    That should give you a hint as to what is going wrong.