I am trying to establish a web socket connection between client and server, but an implicit MessageFlowTransformer is required for data types, the play documentation only introduces String and JsValue transformation, and I have the following data types :
sealed trait InEvent
sealed trait outEvent
final case class AckInEevent(serial: Long) extends InEvent
final case class AckOutEevent(serial: Long) extends outEvent
//theWebSocket action handler :
def accept = WebSocket.tryAcceptWithActor[InEvent, outEvent] { request => .....}
I got an error indication
could not find implicit value for parameter transformer: play.api.mvc.WebSocket.MessageFlowTransformer[InEvent, outEvent]
sealed trait InEvent
sealed trait outEvent
final case class AckInEevent(serial: Long) extends InEvent
final case class AckOutEevent(serial: Long) extends outEvent
import play.api.libs.json._
implicit val ackInEeventFormat = Json.format[AckInEevent]
implicit val ackOutEeventFormat = Json.format[AckOutEevent]
implicit val inEeventFormat = Json.format[InEvent]
implicit val outEeventFormat = Json.format[outEvent]
implicit val messageFlowTransformer =
MessageFlowTransformer.jsonMessageFlowTransformer[InEvent, outEvent]
def accept = WebSocket.tryAcceptWithActor[InEvent, outEvent] { request => ???}
libraryDependencies += "org.julienrf" %% "play-json-derived-codecs" % "6.0.0"