
Build files from template and add tweaks (turn images into conky configs)

I found very good Pinterest pictures which I want to randomly show on my desktop. I already have a script(s) that randomly call conky configs from a directory. (Then I manually make bash scripts that call from 1 to 3+ conkies at a time)

Tried to do some python scripting but it didn't... I over complicated it. Here's the GIT FILES:

I was planning to show my code but it's too big and messy.

Originally I just read all the images and their Width, Height, Path and File name to separate txt files. Like width.txt, path.txt,etc. Looked like these (These is the Path.txt):


Then I had a python script to convert the data to arrays and then build files one by one. Somehow I got syntax errors and etc. I didn't include the code here since it's too long and I'm considering to start from scratch.

Essentially I would make a new file that has the same name as the image then replace below config variables (WIDTH,HEIGHT,etc) with the images size and path.

The template Conky config:

conky.config = {

    --Various settings

    double_buffer = true,                       -- eliminates flicker   


    own_window = true,                          -- create your own window to draw
    own_window_argb_visual = true,              -- use ARGB 
    own_window_type = 'override',               -- keeps the image in the back 


    alignment = 'middle_middle',                -- position of the conky

    --########################      THE IMPORTANT CHANGABLE STUFF       #######################

    minimum_width = WIDTH,                      -- minimum height of window
    minimum_height = HEIGHT,                    -- minimum height of window

    conky.text = [[
    ${image PATH -s SIZE}


This is the final result of the conky config.

conky.config = {
    minimum_width = 800,                        -- minimum height of window
    minimum_height = 1300,                      -- minimum height of window

    conky.text = [[
    ${image /home/omarali/scripts/conky/conky-sets/images/record.jpg -s 800x1300}


So, Just need a simple way to put the images into a conkies that I can later call from a bash script. Python or Bash script will do.

Here what I'm looking for:

  1. Build a conky config from each image in a directory. let's say dir_pins
  2. Each conky should have the same name as the image. (this was my issue)
  3. Can be python or bash script, open to ideas but prefer these 2.

That's it, as mentioned before I already have a script to auto run my configs. Really appreciate your help. And open to new ideas.


  • In Python you can read data from all files

    all_widths = open('width.txt').read().splitlines()
    all_heights = open('width.txt').read().splitlines()
    all_pathes = open('path.txt').read().splitlines()

    and use zip() to group width with path

    for width, height, path in zip(all_widths, all_height, all_pathes):
        print(width, height, path)
        # generate conky text

    and then you can use text with all paragrath and put {} in places in which you want to put data to generate new text. Because it use {} to recognize places for values so it need {{ and }} for normal {, }

    template = '''conky.config = {{
        minimum_width = {WIDTH},                        -- minimum height of window
        minimum_height = {HEIGHT},                      -- minimum height of window
        conky.text = [[
        ${{image {PATH} -s {WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}}}
    for width, height, path in zip(all_widths, all_height, all_pathes):
        new_text = template.format(WIDTH=width, HEIGHT=height, PATH=path)

    Now you have to use image filename to create name for conky file (I don't know what extension it uses so I use .txt)

    new_name = path.replace('.jpg', '.txt')

    or only last part of path

    new_name = path.split('/')[-1].replace('.jpg', '.txt')

    and then you can save text

    f = open(new_name, 'w')

    Full code but not tested:

    template = '''conky.config = {{
        minimum_width = {WIDTH},                        -- minimum height of window
        minimum_height = {HEIGHT},                      -- minimum height of window
        conky.text = [[
        ${{image {PATH} -s {WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}}}
    all_widths = open('width.txt').read().splitlines()
    all_heights = open('width.txt').read().splitlines()
    all_pathes = open('path.txt').read().splitlines()
    for width, height, path in zip(all_widths, all_height, all_pathes):
        new_text = template.format(WIDTH=width, HEIGHT=height, PATH=path)
        #new_name = path.replace('.jpg', '.txt')
        new_name = path.split('/')[-1].replace('.jpg', '.txt')
        f = open(new_name, 'w')

    By the way: you could use os.listdir() or os.walk() to get pathes for images directly from disk. And module PIL to get sizes of images.

    template = '''conky.config = {{
        minimum_width = {WIDTH},                        -- minimum height of window
        minimum_height = {HEIGHT},                      -- minimum height of window
        conky.text = [[
        ${{image {PATH} -s {WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}}}
    from PIL import Image
    directory = '/home/omarali/scripts/conky/conky-sets/images/'
    for filename in os.listdir(directory):
        path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
        width, height =
        new_text = template.format(WIDTH=width, HEIGHT=height, PATH=path)
        new_name = filename.replace('.jpg', '.txt')
        f = open(new_name, 'w')