
How does this code print the last word the user inputs?

This small piece of code takes a user input and returns the last word from the user input.

I don't exactly understand how those 2 lines of code work

can someone explain why or how printf( &last_word[i]); when I is at position 0 prints the last word of the sentence entered by the user input.

the purpouse of the program is to print the last word of the user input, but I dont understand those lines of code, If I change something on those 2 lines, the code stops working and it doesnt return the last word entered by the user.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){    
int i = 0;
char *last_word;
char str[800];

while (str[i] != '\0')    {    
    if (str[i] == ' ' && str[i + 1] > 32) 
        last_word = &str[i + 1]; 

 /*------------------------these next lines of code-----------------------*/
 /*----->    i = 0; 
 /*----->    printf( &last_word[i]);

       return 0;


  • Holy undefined behavior batman.

    The while loop stuffs the address of the next character past a space character into last_word; thus if there are any space characters it points one past the last one.

    i = 0 therefore &last_word[i] is the same as last_word. So it uses the last word as a printf format string.

    But that's not the same as last word. Try this input: " %n%n%n%n%n%n%n%n". Goodbye.

    The first argument to printf should almost always be a constant. You want printf("%s", last_word); In fact, let us put it this way; the only reason to ever not pass a constant format string to printf and friends is your standard library is too old to support %*d for dynamic widths.