
I accidentally deleted multiple projects in Visual Studio by deleting a project that contained them in its directory

I was experiencing some issues with one of my python files, so wanted to create a new Python project in Visual Studio to test it. I am using Windows 10.

  1. I chose to create a project from an existing file (which was one directory above the projects in my solution).
  2. When I created the project, it included both of the project folders in that project.
  3. Thinking this was a mistake, I deleted the project (both in visual studio and in file explorer) and tried to do it differently.

As result, all of the files in both of my projects were deleted, and I cannot recover them. I tried looking in the recycling bin, but had no luck.

Update: I tried checking Visual Studio 2019\Backup Files and the projects that I am now missing the files from are not there.

Is there a way to revert my PC to the memory that it had a few hours ago?

Please help me out.


  • You are probably using Windows OS. There are several data recovery softwares for Windows, you just need to search the web a little bit. They might help you.

    I recommend you to use GitHub or some other version control system that saves files in cloud. This way this accident won't happen again.