
Open a directory/folder from IntelliJ IDEA using Command Prompt

I want to open this folder which is a GitHub repository clone(D:\Acc\Tutorials\Programming\course-angularjs) from IntelliJ IDEA, using the windows command prompt. I can open the folder using commands like subl . for Sublime text and code . for VS Code. But I couldn't find the command to open it from the IntelliJ IDEA.

D:\Acc\Tutorials\course-angularjs>subl .

I found from some other answers that there is a way from IntelliJ IDEA, which is, Tools->Create command line Launcher. But I couldn't find it in mine. I am currently using IntelliJ IDEA Community version 2019.2.

I also used <Intelli IDEA> in the command prompt without knowing what it would do. But it also didn't work.

So is there any direct command for IntelliJ IDEA to open a folder, from the Command prompt?


  • Use idea . to open the project from the current directory.

    To know more..