I am trying to dereference the value of environment variable using parameter expansion $@
, but it doesn't seem to work.
I need to call a shell script with certain arguments. The list of arguments contain environment variables, and the environment variables are expected to be present where the shell script is to be executed. I do not know the list of commands before hand, so I am expanding those list of commands using $@
. However, the script is not able to de-reference the value of environment variables.
A minimal setup which explains my problem can be done as below.
FROM alpine:3.10
ENV MY_VAR=production
COPY run.sh .
ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "run.sh" ]
echo "Value of MY_VAR is" $MY_VAR
echo "Begin"
echo "Done"
I can build the image using docker build . -t env-test
. When I run it using docker run env-test:latest 'echo $MY_VAR'
, I get the below output.
Value of MY_VAR is production
While the output that I am expecting is:
Value of MY_VAR is production
SideNote: In actuality I am trying to run it using a compose file like below:
version: '3'
image: env-test:latest
command: echo $$MY_VAR
but it again gives me the similar result.
Expanding on the eval
approach, here is a simple bash script that will use eval to evaluate a string as a sequence of bash commands:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo program args: $@
eval $@
but beware, eval
comes with dangers: