
Image in collection view cell inside of uitableviewcell does not take rounded corners

I have a tableview and in one of the rows, I have a custom cell which has a collection view with horizontal scroll. In the collection view cell I have the Image for which I have added rounded corners.

img_Photo.backgroundColor = UIColor.colorFromCode(0xf2f2f2)
img_Photo.layer.cornerRadius = img_Photo.frame.height / 2
img_Photo.layer.masksToBounds = true

The corner radius shows as below first and then on scrolling it looks proper. What am I missing to set this properly.

I have added layoutIfNeeded in the tableviewcell

override func layoutIfNeeded() {
    collectView.frame = self.contentView.bounds

on first load

after scrolling


  • Override layoutSubviews() inside your collection view cell class and set corner radius inside it.