
Connection pool size with postgres r2dbc-pool

I'm not able to open more than 10 connections with spring-webflux and r2dbc (with r2dbc-pool driver 0.8.0.M8). My config looks like:

public class PostgresConfig extends AbstractR2dbcConfiguration {

  public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
    ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = ConnectionFactories.get(ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder()
        .option(DRIVER, "pool")
        .option(PROTOCOL, "postgresql")
        .option(HOST, host)
        .option(USER, user)
        .option(PASSWORD, password)
        .option(DATABASE, database)
    ConnectionPoolConfiguration configuration = ConnectionPoolConfiguration.builder(connectionFactory)
    return new ConnectionPool(configuration);

When I'm specifying more than 10 connections I get errors like:

Failed to obtain R2DBC Connection; nested exception is 
Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 1000ms in 'lift' 
(and no fallback has been configured)

Moreover, number of connections remain the same as initial size. New connections are not created.


  • Ok, the MAX_SIZE should be also specified for ConnectionFactoryOptions. Otherwise connection pool size still remains 10.

    import static io.r2dbc.pool.PoolingConnectionFactoryProvider.MAX_SIZE;
        ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = ConnectionFactories.get(ConnectionFactoryOptions.builder()
            .option(DRIVER, "pool")
            .option(PROTOCOL, "postgresql")
            .option(HOST, host)
            .option(USER, user)
            .option(PASSWORD, password)
            .option(DATABASE, database)
            .option(MAX_SIZE, maxSize)