
How to setup TeamCity with LDAP group membership synchronization

This is a short howto to get you going with your LDAP setup for TeamCity. I personally struggled for quite a bit, before I managed to get the synchronisation to run. The default config files has a lot of settings and text, which may be more confusing than helpful. A lot of posts about issues setting up group sync can be seen at both JetBrains and StackOverflow.

This setup assumes you don't have a nested group for importing members, but single groups. If you want to use a nested group for TeamCity, then look at the "Limiting the number of groups to by synchronized" section at https://www.jetbrains.com/help/teamcity/typical-ldap-configurations.html?_ga=2.213872598.374019039.1565610915-964155662.1565610915

Change the teamcity.users.filter accordingly.

teamcity.users.filter=(&(objectClass=user)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=TeamCity Users,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=com))

JetBrains prefers that you have a nested group where the top node is your TeamCity group. However that's not how I wanted to setup the sync at the moment.



  • Here's how I setup TeamCity LDAP config files to synchronize AD Groups:

    ldap-config.properties file

    java.naming.provider.url=ldap://<your server or domain>:3268/DC=YOUR,DC=Domain,DC=Here
    ### USERS SETTINGS ###
    # Automatic user creation and deletion during users synchronization
    # These settings are mandatory if groups synchronization is turned on (ldap-mapping.xml exists)
    # Set to "true" to enable the synchronization for groups listed in ldap-mapping.xml file.
    # IMPORTANT NOTE: TeamCity groups should be already created manually and listed in ldap-mapping.xml file.
    # The group search LDAP filter used to retrieve groups to synchronize.
    # The search is performed inside the LDAP entry denoted by "teamcity.groups.base". The result should include all the groups configured in the ldap-mapping.xml file.
    # The time interval between synchronizations (in milliseconds). By default, it is one hour.
    # The LDAP attribute of a group storing it's members.
    # Note: LDAP attribute should contain the full DN of the member, one attribute per member. See also "teamcity.users.property.memberId".

    Note: I use port 3268 not 389, that's because the default port made TeamCity incredibly slow at login. It took in most cases 5 minutes to login with 389 compared to 3268 which made it instantly.

    ldap-mapping.xml file

    <!DOCTYPE mapping SYSTEM "ldap-mapping.dtd">
      <!-- Example mapping entry:
      <group-mapping teamcityGroupKey="GROUP" ldapGroupDn="CN=Group,DC=Example,DC=Com"/>
       <group-mapping teamcityGroupKey="YourGroupKey" ldapGroupDn="CN=<DNName>" />

    Powershell and RSAT

    To get the Distinguished name for each group I've added, I've used a computer installed with RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=45520. The RSAT adds some Active Directory functions to powershell which makes it easier to get the LDAP settings you need.

    The powershell command:

    get-adgroup <Group name> -properties *

    Add the DistinguishedName to the ldapGroupDn field in the ldap-mapping.xml file along with the teamcityGroupKey and you should be ready to go.