
How to change ReportPortal containers timezone?

Following the installation guide, ReportPortal is successfully deployed. Everything works fine, except for one thing... Containers time zone is always UTC. My CI servers are located in UTC+3, so, for example, launch reported at 00.30 is shown on widget as yesterday's one.

Most of images are alpine based, without installed tzdata. I tried to add hosts etc/localtime as a volume (/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro) but it doesn't help.

I've got the same result on RHEL 7 and Win 10 local machine with Docker Toolbox. Appreciate if somebody share his experience with this problem.


  • Solved it.

    Actually, that's enough to change a timezone in api container only. Adding environment variable TZ is solving the issue. So I just added it to the docker-compose file:

        image: reportportal/service-api:4.3.0
          - mongodb
          - RP_PROFILES=docker
          - JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp
          - TZ=Asia/Jerusalem
        restart: always