
Visual Studio Can't Target .NET Framework 4.8

I'm having some issues creating a project that targets .NET Framework 4.8. I am using Visual Studio 2019, upgraded to version 16.2.5. I have also installed the .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack. From the Visual Studio Installer, I don't see any option for enabling 4.8 development tools similar to 4.7.


  • This Visual Studio thread had all the answers I was looking for. The .NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack includes both the SDK and Targeting Pack. After installing this and restarting Visual Studio, I can now see .NET Framework 4.8 as a targeting option for Visual Studio projects. You should not need to do any Visual Studio Installer steps.

    Also mentioned in the above thread, .NET Framework 4.8 will be included in the Visual Studio installation process as of 16.3 (currently listed under 16.3 Preview 2).