
Is there a way to get Pandas ewm to function on fixed windows?

I am trying to use Pandas ewm function to calculating exponentially weighted moving averages. However i've noticed that information seems to carry through your entire time series. What this means is that every data point's MA is dependant on a different number of previous data points. Therefore the ewm function at every data point is mathematically different.

I think some here had a similar question

Does Pandas calculate ewm wrong?

But i did try their method, and i am not getting functionality i want.

 def EMA(arr, window):
     sma = arr.rolling(window=window, min_periods=window).mean()[:window]
     rest = arr[window:]
     return pd.concat([sma, rest]).ewm(com=window, adjust=False).mean()

 a = pd.DataFrame([x for x in range(100)])
 print(list(EMA(a, 10)[0])[-1])
 print(list(EMA(a[50:], 10)[0])[-1])

In this example, i have an array of 1 through 100. I calculate moving averages on this array, and array of 50-100. The last moving average should be the same, since i am using only a window of 10. But when i run this code i get two different values, indicating that ewm is indeed dependent on the entire series.


  • IIUC, you are asking for ewm in a rolling window, which means, every 10 rows return a single number. If that is the case, then we can use a stride trick:

    Edit: update function works on series only

    def EMA(arr, window=10, alpha=0.5):
        ret = pd.Series(index=arr.index,
        l = len(arr)
        stride = arr.strides[0]
        ret.iloc[window-1:] = (pd.DataFrame(np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(arr, 
        return ret


    a = pd.Series([x for x in range(100)])
    # 98    97.500169
    # 99    98.500169
    # Name: 9, dtype: float64
    # 98    97.500169
    # 99    98.500169
    # Name: 9, dtype: float64
    EMA(a, 2).tail(2)
    98    97.75
    99    98.75
    dtype: float64

    Test on random data:

    a = pd.Series(np.random.uniform(0,1,10000))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))
    EMA(a,alpha=0.99, window=2).plot(ax=ax)
    EMA(a,alpha=0.99, window=1500).plot(ax=ax)

    Output: we can see that the larger window (green) is less volatile than the smaller window (orange).

    enter image description here