On my application I save all user's images on Amazon S3. I'm realizing a web interface for uploading images to S3.
On my nodejs backend I'm creating presigned post request:
const presignedPostParams = ({ userId }) => ({
Bucket: bucket,
Conditions: [
['starts-with', '$key', `user/${userId}/`],
Expires: 60 * 5,
const request = await createPresignedPost(presignedPostParams({ userId }));
On my frontend I'm sending a form to S3 with presigned params.
It works.
But now I can upload any files, not only images. I want to limit file types to upload (mimetypes)? Of course, I can limit it by javascript code on front. By it is not reliable.
Can I limit file mimetype while I'm creating presigned url?
And the second question: can I manage the permission of uploaded file from presigned url? I want upload some public and some private files from one interface (maybe I can realize this with presigned url?)
I've got the answer to the second question.
It's very easy, but I haven't found it in the documentation.
I added one condition to the backend (about this I read on docs):
Conditions: [
{ acl: 'public-read' },
// ...
and added one field to the frontend: 'acl': 'public-read'
(I found it by chance surfing by links on POST Policy documentation )
About file's size: Its easy, too: You should add one condition: ["content-length-range", 1048579, 10485760]