
How to decompress http responses in vba excel?

How to decompress/decode gzip/deflate http/s responses in vba?

Winhttp5.1 does not automatically decompress/decode gzipped or deflate responses.

MSxml2 does decompress/decode responses, but does not allow custom headers or referers.


  • The following code can be used to decompress any compressed data, by calling the Inflate() Function from the Inflate module. Full inflate module code is given below. Of course you can change the module name and the function name but do it carefully.

    'httpresponse as byte array
    Dim httpresponse() as Byte
    ... 'Perform a http/s request and get the response
    httpresponse = objwinhttprequest.responsebody 'responsebody returns a byte array
    Inflate.Inflate(httpresponse) 'this modifies the byte array in place. the gzipped/deflated response body is decompressed in place and overwritten into the same byte array
    httpresponsetext = strconv(httpresponse, vbunicode) 'To convert the byte array to string.

    The module needs to be imported into the VBA project and named Inflate. Pure VBA solution. No third party modules or dlls. Gzip adds some headers, thats why uncompress.dll from zlib doesn't work. This code takes care of that. The optional errarray() parameter returns some reasons for errors if you need to debug. Full code of Inflate.bas below (copy and paste it into a new module called Inflate):

    'Attribute VB_Name = "Mod_Inflate64"
    Option Explicit
    Private Type CodesType
        Lenght As Integer
        Code As Long
    End Type
    Private OutStream() As Byte
    Private OutPos As Long
    Private InStream() As Byte
    Private crc(3) As Byte
    Private size(3) As Byte
    Private compressionid() As Byte
    Private decompressedsize As Long
    Private Inpos As Long
    Private ByteBuff As Long
    Private BitNum As Integer
    Private BitMask(16) As Long
    Private BitVal(16) As Long
    Private LC(31) As CodesType
    Private DC(31) As CodesType
    Private LitLen() As CodesType           'Literal/length tree
    Private Dist() As CodesType             'Distance tree
    Private LenOrder(18) As Integer
    Private MinLLenght As Integer           'Minimum length used in literal/lenght codes
    Private MaxLLenght As Integer           'Maximum length used in literal/lenght codes
    Private MinDLenght As Integer           'Minimum length used in distance codes
    Private MaxDLenght As Integer           'Maximum length used in distance codes
    Private Function checkgzip(Optional ByRef errarray As Variant) As Long
        If (InStream(0) = 31 And InStream(1) = 139) Then 'Found gzip header
            If InStream(2) = 8 Then 'Found Deflate compression method ID
                If InStream(3) = 0 Then 'No extra flags are set Refer http://www.onicos.com/staff/iz/formats/gzip.html and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1952#section-2.3 to deal with extra flags
                    ReDim tmparray(UBound(InStream) - 18) As Byte
                    Dim counter As Long
                    For counter = 10 To UBound(InStream) - 8
                        tmparray(counter - 10) = InStream(counter)
                    Next counter
                    For counter = 0 To 3
                        crc(counter) = InStream(UBound(InStream) - 7 + counter)
                        size(counter) = InStream(UBound(InStream) - 3 + counter)
                    Next counter
                    decompressedsize = Application.WorksheetFunction.Bitlshift(size(3), 24) + _
                                           Application.WorksheetFunction.Bitlshift(size(2), 16) + _
                                           Application.WorksheetFunction.Bitlshift(size(1), 8) + _
                    InStream = tmparray
                    'Error extra flags set
                    ReDim Preserve errarray(UBound(errarray) + 1)
                    errarray(UBound(errarray)) = "Gzip Error: Extra flags not supported yet!"
                    checkgzip = -1
                    Exit Function
                End If
                'Error Didnt find deflate compression id
                ReDim Preserve errarray(UBound(errarray) + 1)
                errarray(UBound(errarray)) = "Gzip Error: Method other than DEFLATE not supported yet!"
                checkgzip = -1
                Exit Function
            End If
            'not gzip stream must be just deflate
        End If
    End Function
    Public Function Inflate(ByRef ByteArray() As Byte, Optional UncompressedSize As Long = 1000, Optional ZIP64 As Boolean = False, Optional ByRef errarray As Variant) As Long
        Dim IsLastBlock As Boolean
        Dim CompType As Integer
        Dim DoInflate As Boolean
        Dim Char As Long
        Dim NuBits As Integer
        Dim L1 As Long
        Dim L2 As Long
        Dim X As Long
    'Copy local array to global array
        InStream = ByteArray
        If checkgzip(errarray) = -1 Then
            Inflate = -1
            Exit Function
        End If
    '    Erase ByteArray                                 'clear memory
    'Init global variables
        Call Init_Inflate(UncompressedSize)
            IsLastBlock = (GetBits(1) = 1)
            CompType = GetBits(2)
            Select Case CompType
            Case 0              'file is stored
                'input position is already set 1 position further so whe need to line up next byte
                BitNum = 0
                ByteBuff = 0
                L1 = InStream(Inpos) + CLng(InStream(Inpos + 1)) * 256
                Inpos = Inpos + 2
                L2 = InStream(Inpos) + CLng(InStream(Inpos + 1)) * 256
                Inpos = Inpos + 2
                If L1 - (Not (L2) And &HFFFF&) Then Inflate = -2
                For X = 1 To L1
                    Call PutByte(InStream(Inpos))
                    Inpos = Inpos + 1
                DoInflate = False
            Case 1
                Call Create_Static_Tree
                DoInflate = True
            Case 2
                Call Create_Dynamic_Tree
                DoInflate = True
            Case 3
                Inflate = -1
                DoInflate = False
            End Select
            If DoInflate Then
                    'read minimum number of bits to speed things up
                    Char = Bit_Reverse(GetBits(MinLLenght), MinLLenght)
                    NuBits = MinLLenght
                    Do While LitLen(Char).Lenght <> NuBits
                        Char = Char + Char + GetBits(1)
                        NuBits = NuBits + 1
                    Char = LitLen(Char).Code
                    If Char < 256 Then
                        Call PutByte(CByte(Char))
                    ElseIf Char > 256 Then
                        Char = Char - 257
                        L1 = LC(Char).Code + GetBits(LC(Char).Lenght)
                        If L1 = 258 And ZIP64 Then L1 = GetBits(16) + 3
                        Char = Bit_Reverse(GetBits(MinDLenght), MinDLenght)
                        NuBits = MinDLenght
                        Do While Dist(Char).Lenght <> NuBits
                            Char = Char + Char + GetBits(1)
                            NuBits = NuBits + 1
                        Char = Dist(Char).Code
                        L2 = DC(Char).Code + GetBits(DC(Char).Lenght)
                        For X = 1 To L1
                            Char = OutStream(OutPos - L2)
                            Call PutByte(CByte(Char))
                    End If
                Loop While Char <> 256
            End If
        Loop While Not IsLastBlock
        ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos - 1)
    'Clear memory
        Erase InStream
        Erase BitMask
        Erase BitVal
        Erase LC
        Erase DC
        Erase LitLen
        Erase Dist
        Erase LenOrder
        ByteArray = OutStream
        If UBound(ByteArray) + 1 <> decompressedsize Then 'Decompression length error
            ReDim Preserve errarray(UBound(errarray) + 1)
            errarray(UBound(errarray)) = "Deflate error: Decompressed size did not match size given in footer!"
            Inflate = 1
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function Create_Static_Tree()
        Dim X As Long
        Dim Lenght(287) As Long
        For X = 0 To 143: Lenght(X) = 8: Next
        For X = 144 To 255: Lenght(X) = 9: Next
        For X = 256 To 279: Lenght(X) = 7: Next
        For X = 280 To 287: Lenght(X) = 8: Next
        If Create_Codes(LitLen, Lenght, 287, MaxLLenght, MinLLenght) <> 0 Then
            Create_Static_Tree = -1
            Exit Function
        End If
        For X = 0 To 31: Lenght(X) = 5: Next
        Create_Static_Tree = Create_Codes(Dist, Lenght, 31, MaxDLenght, MinDLenght)
    End Function
    Private Function Create_Dynamic_Tree() As Integer
        Dim Lenght() As Long
        Dim Bl_Tree() As CodesType
        Dim MinBL As Integer
        Dim MaxBL As Integer
        Dim NumLen As Long
        Dim Numdis As Long
        Dim NumCod As Long
        Dim Char As Integer
        Dim NuBits As Long
        Dim LN As Integer
        Dim pos As Integer
        Dim X As Long
        NumLen = GetBits(5) + 257
        Numdis = GetBits(5) + 1
        NumCod = GetBits(4) + 4
        ReDim Lenght(18)
        For X = 0 To NumCod - 1
            Lenght(LenOrder(X)) = GetBits(3)
        For X = NumCod To 18
            Lenght(LenOrder(X)) = 0
        If Create_Codes(Bl_Tree, Lenght, 18, MaxBL, MinBL) <> 0 Then
            Create_Dynamic_Tree = -1
            Exit Function
        End If
        ReDim Lenght(NumLen + Numdis)
        pos = 0
        Do While pos < NumLen + Numdis
            Char = Bit_Reverse(GetBits(MinBL), MinBL)
            NuBits = MinBL
            Do While Bl_Tree(Char).Lenght <> NuBits
                Char = Char + Char + GetBits(1)
                NuBits = NuBits + 1
            Char = Bl_Tree(Char).Code
            If Char < 16 Then
                Lenght(pos) = Char
                pos = pos + 1
                If Char = 16 Then
                    If pos = 0 Then Create_Dynamic_Tree = -5: Exit Function 'no last lenght
                    LN = Lenght(pos - 1)
                    Char = 3 + GetBits(2)
                ElseIf Char = 17 Then
                    Char = 3 + GetBits(3)
                    LN = 0
                    Char = 11 + GetBits(7)
                    LN = 0
                End If
                If pos + Char > NumLen + Numdis Then
                    Create_Dynamic_Tree = -6                    'to many lenghts
                    Exit Function
                End If
                Do While Char > 0
                    Char = Char - 1
                    Lenght(pos) = LN
                    pos = pos + 1
            End If
        If Create_Codes(LitLen, Lenght, NumLen - 1, MaxLLenght, MinLLenght) <> 0 Then
            Create_Dynamic_Tree = -1
            Exit Function
        End If
        For X = 0 To Numdis
            Lenght(X) = Lenght(X + NumLen)
        Create_Dynamic_Tree = Create_Codes(Dist, Lenght, Numdis - 1, MaxDLenght, MinDLenght)
    End Function
    Private Sub Init_Inflate(UncompressedSize As Long)
        Dim Temp()
        Dim X As Long
        ReDim OutStream(UncompressedSize)
        Erase LitLen
        Erase Dist
        Erase DC
        Erase LC
        'Create the read order array
        Temp() = Array(16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15)
        For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): LenOrder(X) = Temp(X): Next
        'Create the Start lenghts array
        Temp() = Array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258)
        For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): LC(X).Code = Temp(X): Next
        'Create the Extra lenght bits array
        Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0)
        For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): LC(X).Lenght = Temp(X): Next
        'Create the distance code array
        Temp() = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 32769, 49153)
        For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): DC(X).Code = Temp(X): Next
        'Create the extra bits distance codes
        Temp() = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14)
        For X = 0 To UBound(Temp): DC(X).Lenght = Temp(X): Next
        OutPos = 0
        Inpos = 0
        For X = 0 To 16
            BitMask(X) = 2 ^ X - 1
            BitVal(X) = 2 ^ X
        ByteBuff = 0
        BitNum = 0
    End Sub
    Private Function Create_Codes(tree() As CodesType, Lenghts() As Long, NumCodes As Long, MaxBits As Integer, Minbits As Integer) As Integer
        Dim bits(16) As Long
        Dim next_code(16) As Long
        Dim Code As Long
        Dim LN As Long
        Dim X As Long
    'retrieve the bitlenght count and minimum and maximum bitlenghts
        Minbits = 16
        For X = 0 To NumCodes
            bits(Lenghts(X)) = bits(Lenghts(X)) + 1
            If Lenghts(X) > MaxBits Then MaxBits = Lenghts(X)
            If Lenghts(X) < Minbits And Lenghts(X) > 0 Then Minbits = Lenghts(X)
        LN = 1
        For X = 1 To MaxBits
            LN = LN + LN
            LN = LN - bits(X)
            If LN < 0 Then Create_Codes = LN: Exit Function 'Over subscribe, Return negative
        Create_Codes = LN
        ReDim tree(2 ^ MaxBits - 1) 'set the right dimensions
        Code = 0
        bits(0) = 0
        For X = 1 To MaxBits
            Code = (Code + bits(X - 1)) * 2
            next_code(X) = Code
        For X = 0 To NumCodes
            LN = Lenghts(X)
            If LN <> 0 Then
                tree(next_code(LN)).Lenght = LN
                tree(next_code(LN)).Code = X
                next_code(LN) = next_code(LN) + 1
            End If
    End Function
    Private Sub PutByte(Char As Byte)
        If OutPos > UBound(OutStream) Then ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos + 1000)
        OutStream(OutPos) = Char
        OutPos = OutPos + 1
    End Sub
    Private Function GetBits(Numbits As Integer) As Long
        If BitNum < Numbits Then
                ByteBuff = ByteBuff + (InStream(Inpos) * BitVal(BitNum))
                BitNum = BitNum + 8
                Inpos = Inpos + 1
            Loop While BitNum < Numbits
        End If
        GetBits = ByteBuff And BitMask(Numbits)
        ByteBuff = Fix(ByteBuff / BitVal(Numbits))
        BitNum = BitNum - Numbits
    End Function
    Private Function Bit_Reverse(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Numbits As Long)
        Do While Numbits > 0
            Bit_Reverse = Bit_Reverse * 2 + (Value And 1)
            Numbits = Numbits - 1
            Value = Fix(Value / 2)
    End Function