We connect JsSip to Astersik and long time all worked perfect.
After than unexpectedly voice dissapear without any reason.
We see in astersik log next message
ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("a783543c-1911-44c4-9ba1-52114bbdccb4.local", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known
I read JsSip documetation. In version 1.0 was parameter hack_ip_in_contact
Now instead of it exist parameter contact_uri
I set contact_uri
but nothing changes.
We tried to add a783543c-1911-44c4-9ba1-52114bbdccb4.local
in /etc/hosts
It was very strange but it worked until reconnect JsSip. After re conect Jssip this uid changed.
I don't know how fix it in JsSip but we made hack for resolve this problem.
We use dnsmasq and forward all addresses like XXX.local to localhost.