In VBA, you can assign the return value of a Select Case statement to specific cells as shown below:
Add the Select Case structure.
Select Case score Case Is >= 80 result = "very good" Case Is >= 70 result = "good" Case Is >= 60 result = "sufficient" Case Else result = "insufficient" End Select
Explanation: Excel VBA uses the value of the variable score to test each subsequent Case statement to see if the code under the Case statement should be executed.
- Write the value of the variable result to cell B1.
Range("B1").Value = result
This is straightforward to me, however, I am trying to loop through a column of cells to do the same thing with a for loop. The code above does this for one instance. However, I want to do this for each cell and categorize the result in the cell to the right.
Below is the code I used so far:
....variables defined at the beginning as strings
Set MyRange = Sheet6.Range("A2:A355")
For each cell In MyRange
Select Case cell.Value
Case Is = raid
result = "area"
Case Is = fifty
result = "one"
... more cases ad nauseum
End Select
You can assign a specific cell with the range method approach above. But I want to assign the resulting string one cell to the right (i.e., in column B but the same row). Hence my question...
How do I specify that I want the result of a case statement to be output once cell to the right of the current cell within a For loop in VBA?
You just need:
cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = result
following your End Select