I'm creating a new iOS app using Xcode 11 (beta 5), and I'd like to use Swift Package Manager instead of CocoaPods for managing dependencies.
A common pattern when using SwiftLint and CocoaPods is to add SwiftLint as a dependency and then add a build phase to execute ${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint
; this way all developers end up using the same version of SwiftLint.
If I try to add SwiftLint as a SwiftPM dependency in Xcode, the executable target that I need is disabled:
I was able to fake it by creating a dummy Package.swift
with no product or target, and running swift run swiftlint
in my build phase, but it feels like a hack:
// swift-tools-version:5.1
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "dummy-package",
products: [],
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint.git", from: "0.34.0")
targets: []
Is there a way do this without creating a dummy package? Or is Swift Package Manager just not the right tool for this particular use case?
All methods of abusing iOS code dependency managers to run build tools are hacky and weird.
The correct way to version SPM-compliant tool dependencies is to use Mint: A package manager that installs and runs Swift CLI packages. See also Better iOS projects: How to manage your tooling with mint.