
Virtual server port forwarding

local connection

Nmap scan of public ip address

Open Port Check Tool result

Virtual server configuration

I have a linux machine on a dekstop with arch linux installed that I use as a server running Apache2 (it works perfectly fine locally), and I want to use port forwarding to access it from the public ip address.

I tried using the router's virtual server service, so I redirected my local to port 2112 of my public ip address, I already used http://www.portchecktool.com/ to scan the port, and it says that the port is open whenever I enable it (I tried changing the port number many times, 443, 22, 5555...). But when I try to connect, it says 'Unable to connect'. (Even thought the port scanner tool says the port is open on my public ip, when I scan my router's port with nmap it says it's closed)

I know I didn't provide many details, but is there something that I'm missing ?


It seems that the problem only occurs locally, which is why the nmap and port checker results are different, I asked a friend of mine to connect to my public ip address on port 2112, and he told me that it's working fine, and that he could see the page, why does this problem occur ? Why can I access it from outside LAN but not from the inside ?


  • There are a few parts to this answer:

    To keep it simple I am going to assume a few things as you did not specify too many things.

    What you have

    Ubuntu Server VM running on your Windows machine

    What you are trying to do

    Connect to the VM (running Apache2) to view a website on the server via your public IP

    If either of these are incorrect let me know

    1. Ensure you first have port-fording setup on your main router to go to your Windows machine local IP. Open the correct port that your Appache2 server is running on.

    2. Ensure you have opened the correct port on your windows machine firewall to allow that inbound traffic

    3. Change the network settings for your VM to bridge the connection