I have Matlab 2019b, GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.4 and t all runs on MacOs 14 Mojave.
I want to create button in in a UI that have icons/images instead of text. I have seen here:
that it is supposed to be possible to use HTML to render the button contents.
So - I try this sample code:
push_btn = uicontrol('Style','PushButton','String','Push','Position',[30,60,80,20],...
'CallBack','disp(''You are pressed a push button'')');
close_btn = uicontrol('Style','PushButton','String','Close','Position',[30,5,80,50],...
icon_file = fullfile(pwd, 'close.png')
str = ['<html><img src="file://' icon_file '"></html>']
but it leaves me with an empty button.
If I deliberately use a filename that does not correspond to an existing file, I see a broken image icon:
So I am reasonably sure that the basic syntax and file path stuff is correct but the image does not get rendered in the button.
Is there something else I need to do to make this work or is it all just part of Matlab's overwhelming strangeness?
The easiest way to put an image on a uicontrol (and specifically a button), is to use the CData
im_orig = imread(icon_file); % Needs to be true color, i.e. MxNx3
im_sized = imresize(im_orig,[80,50]); % size of the button
% str = ['<html><img src="file://' icon_file '"></html>'];
% set(close_btn,'String',str);