I am building the integration tests which would read the data generated after the previous test cases and check it with expected result. When I run the tests the generated data is not visible in the directory in the next test cases, although it resides there. When I re-run the tests the data is picked up and read from the directory. What could be the reason of it? Could there be a problem in the sequence of the tests execution?
Here is how my tests look like:
class LoaderSpec extends Specification{
"Loader" should {
"run job from assembled .jar" in {
val res = "sh ./src/test/runLoader.sh".!
res must beEqualTo(0)
"write results to the resources" in {
val resultsPath = "/results/loader_result"
resourcesDirectoryIsEmpty(resultsPath) must beFalse
"have actual result same as expected one" in {
val expected: Set[String] = readFilesFromDirs("source/loader_source")
val result: Set[String] = readFilesFromDirs("/results/loader_result")
expected must beEqualTo(result)
The first tests succeds and the next 2 tests fail as the data is not found. When I re-run the same test suite without any changes - all the tests succeed.
The runLoader.sh script:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class "loader.LoaderMain" \
--conf "spark.hadoop.fs.gs.impl=com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFileSystem" \
--conf "spark.hadoop.fs.AbstractFileSystem.gs.impl=com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFS" \
--conf "spark.hadoop.fs.gs.project.id=loader-files" \
--conf "spark.hadoop.fs.gs.implicit.dir.repair.enable=false" \
--conf "spark.loader.Config.srcPaths=;src/test/resources/source/loader" \
--conf "spark.loader.Config.dstPath=src/test/resources/results/loader_result" \
--conf "spark.loader.Config.filesPerPartner=10" \
--conf "spark.shuffle.memoryFraction=0.4" \
--conf "spark.task.maxFailures=20" \
--conf "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions=${EXTRA_JVM_FLAGS}" \
--master "local[8]" \
--driver-memory 1500M \
--driver-java-options "${EXTRA_JVM_FLAGS}" \
$(find "$(pwd)"/target/scala-2.11 -name 'loader-assembly-*.jar')
I have tried to change the way I read files. Turns out reading from resources might produce this error as the contents are read before all the tests. Although when I read the data simply from the directory, the contents get updated and this error does not occur. This is the way I have changed the tests:
"write results to the resources" in {
val resultsPath = "./src/dockerise/resource/results/loader_result"
resourcesDirectoryIsEmpty(resultsPath) must beFalse