
how to solve "sequelize: command not found"?

This is so frustrating.. I am trying to install sequalize for node.js. I installed it locally with success, but I cant install it globally (I am getting permission denied errors for:


I actually don't really want it globally installed, but when have it locally and should configure and initialize the sequelize module (by typing sequelize init:models & sequelize init:config in terminal) I get the following error:

-bash: sequelize: command not found

So I did my homework and found out that the command not found error could be solved with globally install (-bash: sequelize: command not found) and to fix the error in enabling globally install I changed my user access (Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules' react), but this didnt do the trick, I still getting permission denied.

So my question is how could I run sequelize init:models & sequelize init:config in terminal without getting command not found?


  • The answer for my problem was solved with installing it global with the help of sudo as vitamadio said in the comment. So the answear was to install it this way:

    sudo npm install -g sequelize 

    and then:

    sudo npm i -g sequelize-cli