
spatie/laravel-permissions - Gate and hasPermissionTo are not working

I have a problem with spatie/laravel-permissions...

I use Gate in AuthServiceProvider.php to define Superadmin (can bypass all permissions without register it to the role)...

It is working perfectly with can('the-permission') helper.

But it is not working with Auth::user()->hasPermissionTo('the-permission')...



Below is my code:


In AuthServiceProvider.php:

public function boot()

    Gate::before(function ($user, $ability) {
        $superadmin_rolename = 'Superadmin';
        $guard_name = 'web-admin';
        return $user->hasRole($superadmin_rolename , $guard_name ) ? true : null;



In Blade:

@can('add products')
    <button type="submit">Add Product</button>

// this will work perfectly, the button will be shown



In Controller:

public function addProduct()
    $admin = Auth::guard('web-admin')->user();

    if($admin->hasPermissionTo('add products')) return true;

    return false;

// this is not working (it return false)... i dont know why.... it should return true....

so, as what I show to you above:



  • Based on @Remul's comment, I found that only can() or $user->can() will work perfectly with Gate::before....

    So, how if I want to use another method like $user->hasAnyPermission or $user->hasAllPermissions ?


    This is what I do...I decided to create a custom method in the Admin model..

    namespace Model;
    use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
    use Spatie\Permission\Traits\HasRoles;
    class Admin extends Authenticatable
        use HasRoles;
        protected $guard_name = "web-admin";
        protected $fillable = ['name', 'email', 'password'];
        public function canAny(array $permissions)
            foreach($permissions as $e){
                if($this->can($e)) return true;
            return false;
        public function canAll(array $permissions)
            foreach($permissions as $e){
                if(!$this->can($e)) return false;
            return true;