
Implementing complex TreeList structure

I'll need to use correct component to implement this . I'm currently looking at TreeList Examples ( ) using json data from server. Can you give some advice on creating this treelist?


  • I did a PoC once for a similar scenario like yours. I've simulated a TreeList with a Grid, and it worked:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <style type="text/css">
        .item-level {
          display: inline-block;
          width: 10px;
        .level-arrow-expanded:before {
          content: "\00bb"
        .level-arrow-collapsed:before {
          content: "\00ab"
        .item-cell {
          cursor: pointer
    	td[role="gridcell"] {
    		padding: 0;
    	.cell-container {
    		display: inline-block;
    		padding-bottom: 6.4px;
    		padding-left: 9.6px;
    		padding-right: 9.6px; 
    		padding-top: 6.4px;
    		box-sizing: border-box;
    		width: 100%;
    	.header-container {
    		padding: 0
    	.header-editable-cell {
    		color: #9cc3e5; 
    		font-weight: bold
    	.k-grid tr:hover td .cell-container {
    		background-color: #bdb4af !important
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script id="line-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
    	<div class='cell-container'>
    		<div class='item-level #= (data.Level < 4 ? "level-arrow-" + (data.Collapsed ? "collapsed" : "expanded") : "") #'></div>
    		# for (let i = -1; i < (data.Level - 1); i++) { #
    			<div class='item-level level-space'></div>
    		# } #    
    		#= data.Line #
      	$(function() {
          const lineTemplate = $("#line-template").html();
          let data = [];
          let cols = [{
            title: "&nbsp;",
            field: "Line",
            locked: true,
            width: 200,
            template: lineTemplate,
            attributes: { "class": "item-cell" }
          }, {
            title: "Customer Type",
            field: "CustomerType",
            width: 300
          for (var n = 0; n < 50000; n++) {
            let level = (n % 5),
                dataItem = {
                  Line: n,
                  CustomerType: (n % 2 == 0 ? "All" : "3rd Party"), 
                  Level: level,
                  Show: true,
                  Index: n,
                  Collapsed: false
          let grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
            dataSource: {
              data: data,
              pageSize: 20,
              filter: { field: "Show", operator: "eq", value: true }
            height: 500,
            columns: cols,
            scrollable: {
              virtual: true
          grid.lockedTable.on("click", "td.item-cell", function() {
            let data =,
                dataItem = grid.dataItem($(this).closest("tr")),
            for (let i = 0, count = data.length; i < count; i++) {
              item = data[i];
              if (item.Index == dataItem.Index) {
                dataItem.Collapsed = !dataItem.Collapsed;
              else if (item.Index > dataItem.Index) {
                if (dataItem.Index != i && item.Level == 0) {
                item.Show = !dataItem.Collapsed;
      <div id="grid"></div>

    Demo in Dojo

    Why I did that? To work with huge datasets which I don't know if is your case tho. As you can see, the above TreeList is displaying 50k rows, virtualized. The problem is that TreeList does not virtualizes(check out it's docs), but Grid does.

    How that works:

    1. Lock the first column to be the collpase/expand column. You can also lock more columns;

    2. In your dataItems(row's data), you have to use some control properties, which are: Collapsed, Level, Show and Index. They control the collpase/expand behaviour and the hierarchical display. Add a console.log(data) before Grid's initialization to checkout how it's been filled;

    3. The Show property handles the collpase/expand displaying status. Once a row is Show = false, it will be hidden. That works because of a filter in the dataSource: filter: { field: "Show", operator: "eq", value: true };

    4. A click event on the item-cell class manages the row's children display status. That class is added in the first column as: attributes: { "class": "item-cell" }. The event changes the Show property for the children rows;

    5. The template line-template will display the right level indetation and the arrows for the collpase/expand column;