
Failed to convert DAV files to AVI using FFMPEG

I need to convert DAV files (files generated from security camera recorders) to AVI. I have a script that works, but it does not convert multiple files, and the files are not corrupted. I use the following code:

for %% A IN (* .dav) DO ffmpeg -i "%% A" -vcodec libx264 "%% A.avi

FOLLOW LINK WITH DAV FILE : https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7agzzb8pe57uxy/DAV%20TEST.dav?dl=0

I get the following error on certain files:

"Format dhav detected only with low score of 1, misdetection possible!"

enter image description here


  • Works in a recent build from the git master branch:

    Do not choose the 4.2.1 release branch: it is too old.