
Changing public url in knative service definition

i'm playing around with knative currently and bootstrapped a simple installation using gloo and glooctl. Everything worked fine out of the box. However, i just asked myself if there is a possibility to change the generated url, where the service is made available at.

I already changed the domain, but i want to know if i could select a domain name without containing the namespace, so helloworld-go.namespace.mydomain.com would become helloworld-go.mydomain.com.

The current YAML-definition looks like this:

apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Service
  name: helloworld-go
  namespace: default
      - image: gcr.io/knative-samples/helloworld-go
        - name: TARGET
          value: Go Sample v1

Thank you for your help!


  • This is configurable via the ConfigMap named config-network in the namespace knative-serving. See the ConfigMap in the deployment resources:

    apiVersion: v1
      _example: |
        # domainTemplate specifies the golang text template string to use
        # when constructing the Knative service's DNS name. The default
        # value is "{{.Name}}.{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}". And those three
        # values (Name, Namespace, Domain) are the only variables defined.
        # Changing this value might be necessary when the extra levels in
        # the domain name generated is problematic for wildcard certificates
        # that only support a single level of domain name added to the
        # certificate's domain. In those cases you might consider using a value
        # of "{{.Name}}-{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}", or removing the Namespace
        # entirely from the template. When choosing a new value be thoughtful
        # of the potential for conflicts - for example, when users choose to use
        # characters such as `-` in their service, or namespace, names.
        # {{.Annotations}} can be used for any customization in the go template if needed.
        # We strongly recommend keeping namespace part of the template to avoid domain name clashes
        # Example '{{.Name}}-{{.Namespace}}.{{ index .Annotations "sub"}}.{{.Domain}}'
        # and you have an annotation {"sub":"foo"}, then the generated template would be {Name}-{Namespace}.foo.{Domain}
        domainTemplate: "{{.Name}}.{{.Namespace}}.{{.Domain}}"
    kind: ConfigMap
        serving.knative.dev/release: "v0.8.0"
      name: config-network
      namespace: knative-serving

    Therefore, your config-network should look like this:

    apiVersion: v1
      domainTemplate: {{ '"{{.Name}}.{{.Domain}}"' }}
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: config-network
      namespace: knative-serving

    You can also have a look and customize the config-domain to configure the domain name that is appended to your services.