I have been using YouCompleteMe for a while, but now I want to have also C++ code completion and I can't get it to work.
I followed the build instructions, on the Github page.
This is what I did:
./install.py --clang-completer
I get an error telling me the following:
for file [/Users/moshe/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp/../clang_archives/libclang-8.0.0-
expected hash: [0900559a7aff8a1156949a53b811d6711f8493938e47f0587c2e5e6a5c4972e8]
actual hash: [e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855]
status: [35;"SSL connect error"]
I tried upgrading curl, openssl with brew upgrade
but nothing works.
I even tried to re-install YouCompleteMe nothing worked, if anyone can please help, thanks!
Whew I was able to do it but very nasty hack.
YouCompleteMe, downloaded libclang under the clang_archives folder, but the install sequence failed because of a hash mismatch, I tried manually fixing this by editing the YouCompleteMe codebase but I was lost.
I tried doing ./install.py --system-libclang -clang-completer
, but because I was using the system libclang I got a slew of linker errors.
To get around using the installer and getting around using system clang, I simply unarchived the libclang.tar file which gave me a .dylib.
Then I was able do move that archived clang and replace the system clang, under /Applications
I ran the command ./install.py --system-libclang -clang-completer
and it built and linked normally!