So I've searched through all the documentation on Geokit for rails and didn't find any setup process for it except for installing the gem which I know how to do. what tables do I add to an existing "listings" table?
I've like I said, have it installed. And I've added the acts_as_mappable to the listings ruby file.
class Listing < ApplicationRecord
gem 'geokit-rails'
It would be nice if there was a video tutorial done on how to set this entire thing up.
You need to add a lat and lng field to your Listing model. You can do so like this:
rails g migration add_lat_lng_to_listings lat:decimal lng:decimal
Then migrate:
rails db:migrate
Once you have those fields, you should be able to do something like this:
Listing.in_range(1..35, origin: [29.794664, -98.731970])