
How to publish an NPM package from the CI build pipeline and still automate versioning?

I can't seem to see the forest behind the trees. I want to have a simple CI pipeline that builds and publishes an NPM package. I use appveyor, but I don't think my issue is specific to it. I simply want my CI script to be performing something like this:

git clone "https://git_repo_url" .
npm run build
npm run test
npm version patch --git-tag-version
npm publish -tag beta

The problem is:

What are the industry standard ways of doing this?

For instance, if I need to test a non-production feature version of my package with another project, should I make my CI script to patch the package's package.json with a generated, unique semver-compatible version (without commiting it), and then publish it with an npm tag that would match my git branch name? Is it a good idea?


  • I did it as below, in my javascript project.

    Note: get your key form .npmrc

        image: <your project image>
        stage: publish
            - echo _auth=$NPM_PUBLSH_KEY >> .npmrc
            - echo email=<youremail> >> .npmrc
            - echo always-auth=true >> .npmrc
            # - cat .npmrc
            - npm version --no-git-tag-version $(npm view <yourProject>@latest version)
            - npm version --no-git-tag-version prerelease
            - npm publish
            - build
        image: <your project image>
        stage: build
            - node --version
            - npm --version
            - npm ci
            - npm run build -- --watch=false
            - npm run build:prod