Is there a way to create the require parameter by hiera? Maybe it's possible to lookup but I am new to puppet and don't know all possibilities.
I am using the oneview-puppet module to create resources from a puppet apply.
The resources were created by hiera defined as one config file (YAML). There I am combining several resources from the module above. These resources have complicated dependencies. An overview can be found here (page 29).
So for each resource I have to require the dependencies although it could "found" in my config file. Actual it only works when the resources created by it's sequence in the site/manifest/init.pp.
I've tried to add the require paremeter in hiera, but there it will be interpreted as a string.
site/oneviewconf/manifest/init.pp example:
class oneviewconf (
Hash $oneview_ethernet_networks = {},
Hash $oneview_logical_interconnect_groups = {}
$oneview_ethernet_networks.each | $k,$v | {
oneview_ethernet_network { $k: # -> oneview-puppet resource
* => $v,
$oneview_logical_interconnect_groups.each | $k,$v | {
oneview_logical_interconnect_group { $k: # -> oneview-puppet resource
require => Oneview_ethernet_network['VLAN0001']
* => $v,
Hiera example:
ensure: present
name: 'VLAN0001'
vlanId: 0001
ensure: present
name: 'LIG_A'
networkUris: ['VLAN0001']
Is there a way to create the require parameter by hiera?
I've tried to add the require parameter in hiera, but there it will be interpreted as a string.
Not if you format it correctly. If you look at a compiled Puppet catalog you can see how resource references are encoded in a JSON catalog and this also tells you how they would need to be encoded in a Hiera YAML file.
Take a manifest like this:
class test {
notify { 'notify1':
message => 'I am notify 1',
require => Notify['notify2'],
notify { 'notify2':
'message' => 'I am notify 2',
Now compile that catalog and look inside it. You will see:
"type": "Notify",
"title": "notify1",
"parameters": {
"message": "I am notify 1",
"require": "Notify[notify2]"
In case that's not obvious, whereas the manifests require the resource title to be quoted like Notify['notify2']
those quotes around the resource title are deleted in the catalog and it becomes Notify[notify2]
Thus I can add a parameter to Hiera the same way, and refactor the whole thing like this.
message: I am notify 1
require: Notify[notify2]
message: I am notify 2
class test {
$notify_resources = lookup('notify_resources')
$notify_resources.each |$k,$v| {
notify { $k: * => $v }
Should you do this though? I tend to agree with John Bollinger's comments that resource references in Hiera might be a clue that you have too much data/code coupling.