I have this URL
I do this
let path = "https://apps.apple.com/developer/john-doe/id32123123#see-all/mac-apps"
let url = URL(string: path!)
the resulting url
is nil.
I do this:
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "https"
components.host = "apps.apple.com"
components.path = "/developer/john-doe/id32123123#see-all/mac-apps"
let url = components.url!
The resulting url
percentage encoded, like this and, as expect, an URLRequest done with that URL fails.
Is there a way to get a normal URL without any percentage encoding?
How do I do a URL that works with URLRequest?
This code works just fine:
let path = "https://apps.apple.com/developer/john-doe/id32123123#see-all/mac-apps"
let url = URL(string: path)
I just had to remove the !
. Path is not optional, so there's nothing to unwrap.
Your latter technique isn't something you should bother using for literal URLs like this, but I can explain why it's "not working" to your expectations anyway. The #
marks the beginning of the url's fragment. It's a special character, which is why the system is percent-encoding it for you when you try to use it as part of the path. Here's the fixed code:
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "https"
components.host = "apps.apple.com"
components.path = "/developer/john-doe/id32123123"
components.fragment = "see-all/mac-apps"
let url = components.url! // => "https://apps.apple.com/developer/john-doe/id32123123#see-all/mac-apps"
You should read up on the URL standard.