what is the best way to control a stepper motor and camera simultaneously?
Suppose the camera is placed on a linear stage (stepper motor) and I want to move the stage in 1 mm steps and capture a frame at the end of each step. Both devices (Camera and the stage) are connected to my computer (Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS) via 2 different USB 2.0 ports.
My script for the camera looks something like:
def camera():
cv2.imshow('live', frame)
if __name__ == "__main__":
and outputs live broadcast from the camera.
For the motor something like:
i = 0
while i < 6: # Move 6 times
stepper.Move(0.5) # Moves forward by 0.5 mm
time.sleep(1) # Sleeps for a second
i += 1
print("\nProcess End\n")
close() # closes port
and moves and sleeps as desired.
Both scripts run sucessfully when executed seperately. However, how do I combine these scripts so that I can take a picture at the end of each step? For the example adressed above for moving 6 times, I want to get 6 images at the end, captured at the end of each step. Should one use multithreading, multiprocessing?... Both devices are connected to my computer via 2 seperate USB 2.0 ports. I'm not a beginner in programming, but not an expert either so any suggestions will be kindly appreciated.
It there a reason that you can't call some function that captures an image on each step?
# import modules for camera and stepper control
def step_and_capture(steps=6):
images = []
for x in range(steps):
image = cam_capture_method() # returns a photo or it could write to somewhere
# save the images to folder?
if __name__ == "__main__":