
Endpoint don't receive a request from skype channel but it's ok in webchat

My API endpoint don't receive any signal from Skype bot service but it's as expected with Web chat when i deploy my code into production. This API using: - .net core 2.2 - Bot builder v4.5.2 - host in IIS 7.5

The API is work fine in both 2 channels web chat & Skype at local using ngrok. At local i see request log in iis log beblow with each agent:

At the production i only see requests come from Web Chat channel in iis log. I'm not sure about the firewall in production because this is server of 3rd.

I guess about 2 case:

  1. the Skype bot service don't send request to my endpoint with a special reason?

  2. Skype bot service sent out request but this request could not arrive my API end point (special restrict firewall).

I tried test for many cases but the result is the same:

IIS logs at local:

2019-09-23 04:07:17 ::1 OPTIONS /api/messages - 3978 - ::1 Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv:69.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/69.0 405 0 0 12

2019-09-23 04:07:32 ::1 POST /api/messages - 3978 - ::1 BF-DirectLine+(Microsoft-BotFramework/3.2++ - 200 0 0 13008

2019-09-23 04:08:19 ::1 POST /api/messages - 3978 - ::1 Microsoft-SkypeBotApi+(Microsoft-BotFramework/3.0) - 200 0 0 1431

IIS logs at production:

  2019-09-23 03:15:50 OPTIONS /api/messages - 7541 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64;+rv:69.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/69.0 405 0 0 78

  2019-09-23 03:23:39 POST /api/messages - 7541 - BF-DirectLine+(Microsoft-BotFramework/3.2++ 200 0 0 5981


  • The root cause of this issue is my server have not yet enabled TLS 1.2. After I enable TLS 1.2 for this server, every thing work as expected.

    This is a requirement for the endpoint: