I have a View which I need to scale with an acceleration, I mean, that when the scale is MIN_SCALE
, the velocity must be slow, but when the scale is near of MAX_SALE
, the velocity must be more fast. Now my velocity is always the same.
There is a number of frames that the View will use to do it's movement:
numberOfFrames = Math.round((float)ANIMATION_TIME/GameLoopThread.FRAME_PERIOD);
frameCount = 0;
and I calculate the scaleVelocity with that number of frames:
scaleVelocity = (MAX_SCALE-MIN_SCALE)/numberOfFrames;
Each game loop iteration, I update the scale of the view with this code:
if (frameCount<numberOfFrames) {
currentScale = currentScale + scaleVelocity;
When frame count has reached the numberOfFrames
the animation must end.
How can I add acceleration to this code? take in mind that the acceleration must respect that the view needs to reach the MAX_SCALE
at last frame from the frameCount variable.
Define your interpolator
INTERPOLATOR = new AccelerateInterpolator();
while calculating scaleVelocity, get current interpolated value
float interpolatedValue = INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(frameCount / numberOfFrames);
getInterpolation() returns a value between 0(start of animation) and 1(end anim)
scaleVelocity = (MAX_SCALE-MIN_SCALE)/numberOfFrames * interpolatedValue; // use min,max func if needed.
mathematical equation of accelerate interpolator is f(x) = x², if you want greater change then create your custom interpolator.
working test method for animation.
private void testAnim() {
int numberOfFrames = 100;//Math.round((float)ANIMATION_TIME/GameLoopThread.FRAME_PERIOD);
float frameCount = 0;
float MAX_SCALE = 4;
float MIN_SCALE = 0.1f;
float scaleVelocity;
float currentScale ;
Interpolator INTERPOLATOR = new AccelerateInterpolator();
do {
float interpolatedValue = INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(frameCount / numberOfFrames);
scaleVelocity = (MAX_SCALE - MIN_SCALE) * interpolatedValue;
currentScale = Math.max(MIN_SCALE, scaleVelocity);
Log.d("STACK", "testAnim: currentScale = " + currentScale);
// apply scale to view.
} while (frameCount < numberOfFrames);
// finally set final value of animation.
currentScale = MAX_SCALE;
// apply scale to view.