
Does JMH calculate operations per time unit based on CPU time or on wall-clock time?

Considering the default usage of the JMH, I would like to make sure which type of time JMH bases its measurements on: CPU time or Wall-clock.

I tried looking into the JMH official samples (, tutorials (at Jenkov, Baeldung, Mykong and others), and did not manage to find this information precisely (I acknowledge I might have missed some documentation or general information on benchmarks).

For instance, in Sample 35 (, we have as an example of output:

        Benchmark                              (type)  Mode  Cnt     Score    Error   Units

          JMHSample_35_Profilers.Maps.test     hashmap  avgt    5  1553.201 ±   6.199   ns/op

          JMHSample_35_Profilers.Maps.test     treemap  avgt    5  5177.065 ± 361.278   ns/op

Hence, I would like to know if the Score column was calculated using Wall-clock time or CPU Time so that I can accurately interpret the benchmark results.


  • As I feared, I had missed basic information and formulated my question badly since wall-clock and CPU times are not the only options. I followed Alexandre Cartapanis' suggestion and looked into JMH's source code. I found out that the class BenchmarkGenerator, which produces the benchmarks, relies on System.nanoTime().

    Further, according to System.nanoTime() documentation and Kevin Bourrillion's answer to another question I concluded that JMH, by default, measures time according to some arbitrary, but fixed, source (just like System.nanoTime()).