Here is my component file
import {NgbTypeahead} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
import { map, switchMap, finalize, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Subject, merge } from 'rxjs';
const states = [.....]
// inside class
@ViewChild('instance', {static: true}) instance: NgbTypeahead;
focus$ = new Subject<string>();
click$ = new Subject<string>();
search = (text$: Observable<string>) => {
const debouncedText$ = text$.pipe(debounceTime(200), distinctUntilChanged());
const clicksWithClosedPopup$ =$.pipe(filter(() => !this.instance.isPopupOpen()));
const inputFocus$ = this.focus$;
return merge(debouncedText$, inputFocus$, clicksWithClosedPopup$).pipe(
map(term => (term === '' ? states
: states.filter(v => v.toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) > -1)).slice(0, 10))
And in my html i use reactive form binding
also initialized my form inside ngOnInit()
like this
this.form ={
userAssigned: ['', Validators.required],
When i run this code and click on the input, i am getting the result in pop but getting this error. Also unable to get result when i clear the first result.
Please help.
the problem is that when search function is declared, "instance is undefined". This happens e.g. if we has some like
<div *ngIf="form" [formGroup]="form">
The solution is add this.instance
in the filter, becomes like this.instance && !this.instance.isPopupOpen
So, the completed function search is
search = (text$: Observable<string>) => {
const debouncedText$ = text$.pipe(debounceTime(200), distinctUntilChanged());
const clicksWithClosedPopup$ =$.pipe(filter(() =>
this.instance && !this.instance.isPopupOpen())); //<---HERE
const inputFocus$ = this.focus$;
return merge(debouncedText$, inputFocus$, clicksWithClosedPopup$).pipe(
map(term => (term === '' ? states
: states.filter(v => v.toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) > -1)).slice(0, 10))