I'm new to python, I am doing the TWO + TWO = FOUR, where each letter represents a different number from 1-10. I need to find all combinations. I was wondering if there is a better way to write it, especially 'if' and 'for'
for t in range (1,10):
for f in range (1,10):
for w in range(10):
for o in range(10):
for u in range(10):
for r in range(10):
if 2*(t*100 + w*10 + o) == f*1000 + o*100 + u*10 + r and t is not f and t is not w and t is not o and t is not u and t is not r and f is not w and f is not o and f is not o and f is not u and f is not r and w is not o and w is not u and w is not r and o is not u and o is not r and u is not r:
print(t,w,o, "and", f,o,u,r)
I've tried writing it like this but it gave me more than 7 results
if 2*(t*100 + w*10 + o) == f*1000 + o*100 + u*10 + r and t != f != w != o != u != r
Work smart, not hard =)
for t in range (1,10):
for f in range (1,10):
if f == t : continue
for w in range(10):
if w in [t,f] : continue
for o in range(10):
if o in [t,f,w] : continue
for u in range(10):
if u in [t,f,w,o] : continue
for r in range(10):
if r in [t,f,w,o,u] : continue
if 2*(t*100 + w*10 + o) == f*1000 + o*100 + u*10 + r :
print(t,w,o, "and", f,o,u,r)
This will save you a lot of unnecessary iterations.