
Dart - Whats equivalent of C# Stream/MemoryStream and stream.WriteByte(..) for Dart

Need to achieve following in dart

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(288);
stream.WriteByte((byte) 13);
stream.WriteByte((byte) 12);
stream.WriteByte((byte) 10);
stream.WriteByte((byte) 8);
stream.WriteByte((byte) 6);
stream.WriteByte((byte) 9);
var result = stream.ToArray();

I am coming from C#/java background and trying to use Uint8List which is equivalent to byte[] and also more efficient than List<int>. While I can add int8 in Uint8List but Uint8List can only be initialized with fixed-length. I need something dynamic where I can just say write or add without the need of any index to add. No idea how add() of Uint8List works. Couldn't find much on the internet or in docs.


  • I don't believe that there is a standard equivalent. (There's a GitHub comment explaining why Uint8List requires a fixed length.)

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