
Can't able to add new language(Thai) in Liferay DXP 7.2

I want to add a new language (Thai) in my Liferay DXP 7.2 but can't able to add. I have followed below steps:

  1. Added mapping to web.xml file (LIFERAY_HOME\tomcat-<version>\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF)

        <servlet-name>I18n Servlet</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>I18n Servlet</servlet-name>
  2. Added URL pattern to web.xml file (LIFERAY_HOME\tomcat-<version>\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF)

  3. I found 4 files (PROJECT_NAME\Config\local\, PROJECT_NAME\Config\dev\, PROJECT_NAME\Config\uat\, PROJECT_NAME\Config\prod\, added following locales in every files.


Restarted the tomcat server but in Portal UI: Configuration > Settings > Languages it's still not showing on Available language's section


Probably one more step is pending which is icon and language_<langCode>.properties files related changes. But still after completing the above steps I should able to find newly added language on settings available language list page on UI.


  • After all steps you followed, new language should be displayed in "Control Panel" => "Configuration" => "Instance Settings" => "Localization" in "available" column.

    You have to add it at instance level before adding it to a existing site.

    More information see following pages: