
Python: PyLaTeX hyperlink to a URL

I would like to add a text with a hyperlink to my document being generated via pyLaTeX. In LaTeX this would be performed by using:

\href{}{Something Linky}

I have found the labelref documentation containing the Marker object as well as the Hyperref Object but i cannot seem to get it working.

from pylatex import Document, Hyperref

doc = Document()
doc.append("Example text a link should go ")
# i was hoping the hyperlink would work like i'm showing below
doc.append(Hyperref("", "here"))
doc.generate_pdf("Example_document", clean_tex=True)

Running the following code produces the a pdf document without errors. image of the document produced

While what i would expect is that the word "here" is a hyperlink and shown in blue.


  • Here is how I do it. I created a class that gives you the needed hyperlink functionality. There is also an issue on GitHub where I contributed this as well.

        from pylatex import Document, Hyperref, Package
        from pylatex.utils import escape_latex, NoEscape
        def hyperlink(url,text):
            text = escape_latex(text)
            return NoEscape(r'\href{' + url + '}{' + text + '}')
        doc = Document()
        doc.append("Example text a link should go ")
        # i was hoping the hyperlink would work like i'm showing below
        doc.append(hyperlink("", "here"))
        doc.generate_pdf("Example_document", clean_tex=True)