I am trying to map colors to cells in a table. However, I want this to be called from values in a separate column. Specifically, for the exmaple below, I'm plotting time values from Place
. However, I have a separate column named Code
that is a reference for these time values. I'm hoping to map a separate color for each unique value in Code
to differentiate between time values.
At the moment, I'm manually inserting a separate color for appropriate time values. I'm hoping to generate a more flexible function that uses a colormap and can handle varying values in Code
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import six
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Place' : ['Johnathon Santiago-Guillermo','Alan','Cory','Jim','Johnathon Santiago-Guillermo','Alan','Cory','Jim'],
'Number' : ['1','3','5','6','2','4','6','7'],
'Code' : ['1','2','3','4','1','2','3','4'],
'Time' : ['1904-01-01 08:00:00','1904-01-01 09:00:00','1904-01-02 01:00:00','1904-01-02 02:00:00','1904-01-01 08:10:00','1904-01-01 09:10:00','1904-01-02 01:10:00','1904-01-02 02:10:00'],
df['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Time'])
df = df.sort_values('Time')
df['Time'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['Time']).time
df1 = df.pivot_table(index = 'Number', columns = 'Place', values = 'Time',
aggfunc = 'first').fillna('')
df1 = df1.reindex(columns = df['Place'].unique())
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (20, 20))
def Sheet(ax1):
Times = ax1.table(cellText = df1.values, colLabels = df1.columns, cellLoc='center',
bbox = [0,0,1,1])
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,3), (0,0), colspan = 3)
I played with your function a bit and pass a cmap='tab10'
. But first, you probably want to make sure that the color code is of the same shape as the time:
new_df = df.pivot_table(index='Number',
# data
df1 = new_df['Time'].reindex(columns = df['Place'].unique())
# codes
df2 = (new_df['Code'].reindex(columns = df['Place'].unique())
Now the change in the function:
def render_mpl_table(data, col_width = 1, row_height = 0.3, font_size = 6,
header_color='black', row_colors= 'black', edge_color='black',
bbox=[0, 0, 1, 1], header_columns=0,
ax=None, **kwargs):
### blah
### ...
### here comes the change
### remove everything after
# Unique values in code
# define the cmap
# maybe checking if the cmap is continuous or discreet
if cmap is None: cmap='tab10'
cm = plt.cm.get_cmap('tab10')
# map the codes to the colors
colours = np.array(cm.colors)[df2.values]
# Set face colour of cell based on value in Code
for c, cell in mpl_table._cells.items():
if (c[0]==0 # header
or c[1] == -1 # index
or df2.values[c[0]-1, c[1]]==0): # 0 - code or empty cell
cell.set_facecolor(colours[c[0]-1, c[1]])