
How to display anything in php in between particular time duration?

I have a php code as shown below in which I want to display anything in between two calendar days of the week.

The values coming inside $data->{"select_start_day"}; $data->{"start_time"}; $data->{"select_end_day"}; and $data->{"end_time"}; is controlled by the user.

PHP Code:

    if (file_exists('feeds/ptp-ess_landing.json')) {
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('feeds/ptp-ess_landing.json'));

    $arradate = strtolower(date('D'));
    $nowtime = (int)date('His');



For example, let us suppose the user enter $start_day as sun $start_time as 143400 $end_day as wed $end_time as 140000

The above time duration means we are in range and it should display anything we want to display until tomorrow 2pm as tomorrow is wednesday. I am in EST.

I am using the following code in order to pull the current day of the week and time:

$arradate = strtolower(date('D'));
$nowtime = (int)date('His');

Problem Statement:

I am wondering what if logic I need to use so that its print anything Sunday 143400 and Wednesday 140000.

if()    {
    echo "Its in range";


  1. If the override is supposed to apply from Monday at 8am to Monday at 6pm and today is Wednesday then the override doesn't apply.

  2. If its Monday 6 pm and Friday 6 pm then the override will work for 6 hours on Monday, Tuesday whole day, Wednesday whole day, Thursday whole day, Friday upto 6pm

  3. If it Sunday 6pm and Monday 6pm then the override will work for 6 hours on Monday and 18 hours on Monday.

  4. If its Tuesday 6pm and Friday 6pm and today is Tuesday 9pm then the override will apply.

  5. if its Thursday 6pm and Wednesday 6pm then the override will work for 6 hours on thursday, 24 hours on Friday, 24 hours on Saturday, 24 hours on Sunday, 24 hours on Monday, 24 hours on Tuesday, 24 hours on Wednesday and 18 hours on Thursday.


  • The difficult part of this question lies in handling ranges that 'wrap' around the end of the week, i.e. your example case 5

    I'd suggest setting up a reference array of days that covers two weeks

    $days = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'];
    $days = array_merge($days, $days);

    Slice it so that it starts at the day of the start point (it will be reindexed from 0)

    $days = array_slice($days, array_search($startDay, $days));

    You can then build a reference integer for both now and the end point

    $nowRef = (int) (array_search($nowDay, $days) . $nowTime);
    $endRef = (int) (array_search($endDay, $days) . $endTime);

    Note that you could do the same for the start point, but as the days array starts with $startDay (index 0) this is equivalent to $startTime

    Your if condition then simply becomes

    if ($nowRef >= $startTime && $nowRef <= $endRef) {
       // IN RANGE

    N.B. This assumes that your user inputs have been validated, and that if the start day and end day are the same then the end time is greater than the start time

    Your naming convention is a bit inconsistent, so I have renamed some of your variables and switched to camel case for readability

    $nowDay = $arradate;
    $nowTime = $nowtime;
    $startDay = $start_day;
    $startTime = $start_time;
    $endDay = $end_day;
    $endTime = $end_time;