I created a promotion with offer type - Fixed amount off each matching product
and applies to - Specific product
. In my custom block I get the product entity, but don't see any promotions there. How can I get it?
UPD: Tried to solve this problem with via commerce_order.price_calculator
commercePriceCalc = \Drupal::service('commerce_order.price_calculator');
$context = new Context(\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user')->load(1),
$prices = $commercePriceCalc->calculate($slide->field_product->entity, 1, $context);
So, calculate
method returns me a PriceCalculatorResult
object with 2 properties, calculatedPrice
and basePrice
but they are identical, as if the discount didn't apply, but I see it applied in a cart.
Solved this problem, by passing the 4th argument $adjustment_types
to the $commercePriceCalc->calculate
$adjustment_types = array("promotion" => "promotion");
So, the final version of the code
$commercePriceCalc = \Drupal::service('commerce_order.price_calculator');
$context = new Context(\Drupal::currentUser(),
$prices = $commercePriceCalc->calculate($slide->field_product->entity, 1, $context, $adjustment_types);