I'm trying to increment my pom version through Jenkins, but am facing many issues with the script element of the Jenkins declarative pipeline. My goal is:
I've managed to remove '-SNAPSHOT' from the version, and I've stored the version (e.g 1.0.0) in a variable within the script element of the pipeline. I am unable to then use that variable to be able tin increment it.
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'maven'
stages {
stage ('Git checkout branch') {
steps {
git branch: 'branch', credentialsId: '****', url: 'https://projectRepo'
stage ('Increment snapshot') {
steps {
dir('directory') {
//Remove snapshot from version in pom
sh 'mvn versions:set -DremoveSnapshot'
script {
//Get the version and assign to variable 'version'
version = '$(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout)'
//content of version can only be accessed by ${version}
sh "echo ${version}"
My aim is to get the version within the script tags, then perform a split like this .split("\."), then increment the last number, then, when I do a release, I'll use the maven flag to update the pom with the new version, plus add -SNAPSHOT to the end of the version
When you use the build-helper-maven-plugin, you can parse the version into its components:
This offers not only elements like majorVersion
and minorVersion
, but also nextMajorVersion
, nextMinorVersion