So i'm trying to implement an openID Connect server using the node-oidc-provider library by panda, using typescript.
I'm encountering a problem when trying to exchange the authorization_code for an auth token. Basically it says the code is not found, although i can see the document in the mongo database, and placing a console.log in the find function of the adapter used by the library to retrieve the code, it does get found.
I get the auth using this url:
And then from postman I'll send this request:
POST http://localhost:3000/token
The response is the following:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "grant request is invalid"
Digging deeper into the library I put a console.log in the file lib/actions/grants/authorization_code.js
before the if check at line 38. There I can see that the ctx.oidc.params.code
variable is correctly set with the auth_code, but then the code retrieved from the line const code = await ctx.oidc.provider.AuthorizationCode.find
is undefined.
This is my oidc-config: oidc-config
This is the mongodb adapter: mongodb-adapter
Given the console logs I put in the code for debugging, this is the output I get when I send the token request from postman:
Received code: rekLjZKPFPk0pPSBJKlgqFt0tPtCq1k03ktS8CUh_X6
MongoAdapter#find rekLjZKPFPk0pPSBJKlgqFt0tPtCq1k03ktS8CUh_X6
MongoAdapter#coll authorization_code oidc.authorization_code
MongoAdapter#find result {
iat: 1570099703,
exp: 1570105703,
accountId: 5d937633b00ba1073edaa689,
authTime: 1570099703,
claims: { rejected: [] },
grantId: 'JEMh2GsZaEjlgeGx9MXT0',
redirectUri: 'https://lvh:8080/cb',
scope: 'openid',
sessionUid: 'QA3vhV_8-Jlgc8583_aGZ',
kind: 'AuthorizationCode',
jti: 'rekLjZKPFPk0pPSBJKlgqFt0tPtCq1k03ktS8CUh_X6',
clientId: 'test',
expiresWithSession: true
MongoAdapter#coll session oidc.session
Found code: undefined
InvalidGrant authorization code not found
I'm pretty sure the error is mine, and not a bug in the library. But i can't seem to understand what I'm doing wrong.
Going in debug mode, I see that it actually files at line 26 of lib/models/mixins/is_session_bound.js
: >assert.equal(token.accountId, session.accountId(), 'token and session principal are now different');
But I still have no idea what that means.
So basically the problem was that I was passing the account id as it was coming out from the mongoose query. But since the id of a document by default is an object, the assert check would fail (even tough the content was the same). What I did then was edit the virtual method on the User model adding a toString() at the end.
schema.virtual('id').get(function (this: { _id: string }) {
return this._id.toString();
And that solves the issue.