I am trying to make a High Order Component that is supposed to wrap a component with TouchableWithoutFeedback in order to hide the keyboard whenever the user presses outside the keyboard.
My high order component looks like this:
const DismissKeyboardHOC = Comp => {
return props => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss} accessible={false}>
<Comp {...props} />
export default DismissKeyboardHOC;
In my LoginScreen I have wrapped it with my HOC:
export default DismissKeyboardHOC(LoginScreen);
The potential problem I am facing is that when I look at the inspector the TouchableWithoutFeedback ends up wrapping around my LoginScreen instead of wrapping around SafeAreaView(where it is supposed to be).
I have tried to manually put the TouchableWithoutFeedback in the LoginScreen and it works flawlessly but i doesnt work in my HOC.
1) change child of TouchableWithoutFeedback to :
<Comp style={{flex: 1}} {...props}>
2) change your export to :
export const DismissKeyboard = DismissKeyboardHOC(View);
NOTE: Import view from react native like this:
import {view} from 'react-native'
3) wrap your views in LoginScreen component with DismissKeyboard like this:
// All the children