I just installed openjdk 8 from brew in my Mac. However, when I am using Pair: "import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Pair;", although the IntelliJ did not report any error, but it promotes an error states that the "error: package com.sun.tools.javac.util does not exist". I remember the Java 8 contains Pair. Is openjdk 8 also contains Pair? If no, which version of openjdk contains Pair?
You can find JDK sources here:
as far as I can tell, it's still there:
> find . -name "Pair.java" | grep javac
It looks like your env related issue.
It also works perfectly fine with Java 1.8
Default download from: https://adoptopenjdk.net
Amazon Corretto
Default download from: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-8-ug/what-is-corretto-8.html