How to connect 2 array attributes using Maya Python API 2.0? e.g:
joint1.worldMatrix[0] >> skinCluster1.matrix[0]
I can find plugs but how to connect them?
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
node = 'skinCluster1'
attr = 'matrix'
index = 0
def get_plug(node=None, attr=None,index=0):
m_selection_list = om.MSelectionList()
dependency_node_object = m_selection_list.getDependNode(0)
dp_node = om.MFnDependencyNode(dependency_node_object)
attr_plug = dp_node.findPlug(attr, 0)
Answering my own question :
this will return plug with indexed attribute.
do have connect function. One should pass source and destination plugs and then use doIi()
function to connect. I think this answers the question.