I am reading a csv file, then writing another in the format I need. console.log shows the data i need but the file I create shows [object, Object] for each line.
I am not sure why the console.log shows the correct data but the file does not. I've read over the Node documentation but I cannot figure this out. Any information you can provide is appreciated.
this is what console.log shows
var fs = require("fs");
var parse = require('csv-parse');
//read file
var inputFile = 'EXAMPLE_UPSdailyShipment.csv';
fs.createReadStream('EXAMPLE_UPSdailyShipment.csv', "utf8", function read(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
content = data;
var arr = [];
//data for new file
var parser = parse({
delimiter: ","
}, function(err, data) {
data.forEach(function(column) {
// create line object, data from parsed fields, PackageReference1 is order#
var line = {
"BuyerCompanyName": " ",
"OrderNumber": column[8],
"ShipperName": "UPS",
"TrackingNumber": column[9],
"DateShipped": column[0],
"ShipmentCost": column[2],
fs.writeFileSync("newtemp3.csv", arr, 'utf8');
console.log("file read and new file created")
I think you just need to stringify the data first:
fs.writeFileSync("newtemp3.csv", JSON.stringify(arr), 'utf8');
Hopefully this solves your problem.